
This is my safe space to share about reflections on life🌄 – pursuing passions🫀, changing priorities🛣️ and indulging in a healthy dose of introspection 💉

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5 Easy Steps To Create an Appsheet Budgeting App

After tinkering with Google Sheets functions during NDP, I decided to try my hand at creating my own…

5 Unique Insights from My NDP’22 Experience

As Singapore celebrated its 58th Birthday on 9th August 2023, I felt the urge to share a long…

5 Benefits from being more introspective (& 5 Easy Tips to do so!)

How & Why Should We Be More Introspective? In this day and age, we can find ourselves feeling…

5 Quick Reasons Why We Should Actively Share Ideas

Why should we share our ideas? Today, I shall share about what invigorates me to share my ideas, and…

Posts By Date

5 Easy Steps To Create an Appsheet Budgeting App

After tinkering with Google Sheets functions during NDP, I decided to try my hand at creating my own…

5 Unique Insights from My NDP’22 Experience

As Singapore celebrated its 58th Birthday on 9th August 2023, I felt the urge to share a long…

5 Benefits from being more introspective (& 5 Easy Tips to do so!)

How & Why Should We Be More Introspective? In this day and age, we can find ourselves feeling…

5 Quick Reasons Why We Should Actively Share Ideas

Why should we share our ideas? Today, I shall share about what invigorates me to share my ideas, and…

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