About Introspecting Medic

Hi everyone! Welcome to my humble digital abode. 🏠

This is my blog📄, where I share about anything from learning📚 and discovering my inner self – by typing down my reflections throughout med school⚕️ – from academics, to pursuing interests such as music🎵 and sports🏃. 

I will actively share some insights I have obtained from experimenting with different styles of learning, and interesting concepts💡 I have come across recently.

Learning & Growing🌳 are never linear processes – as the accumulation of minute steps and consistent effort often plays dividends in the long run. Hence, I hope to share with others through personal experiences on how to improve and learn more efficiently in various aspects of life.

 “We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.”

~ Jim Rohn

Feel free to send me any questions you might have, or any topics you wish to see me delve deeper into!

👤Who am I?

I am a medical student 🩺⚕️from Singapore, based in London (SGUL). 

💭Why did I start this website?

A big part of me was always eagerly waiting to crawl out of my own shell🐢, after spending much alone time processing my emotions. I wanted an avenue & creative outlet🎨 to share things that help me to process my thoughts better and hopefully empower others around me.

I was always sheltered from using social media, and hardly publicised about my life on those platforms. However, I think that apart from sharing the details of our life, we can potentially live a more fulfilling life when we bring ourselves out of our comfort zone to share our ideas and opinions, even outside of our own bubbles and immediate social circles. Additionally, I also wanted to challenge myself to do something meaningful, and at the same time, find enjoyment in the little things in life. – or even in the “mundane” things like studying/learning🤓

What can you expect to see on this website?

Most of the content I post are things that I am deeply interested in/have an inclination towards, which includes:

  • 🧑‍⚕️Sharing my personal experiences and the takeaways I had
  • 🧠Actionable tips on learning that I have picked up along the way
  • 📖Book Reviews
  • 🌄Inspirations that I have gotten one way or another

Perhaps, life will get much more hectic for me during my time in medical school, and probably even busier beyond that when working, but I do hope to keep up a commitment to pen down my thoughts about something new every day, and to share something that I hope will be interesting to you.

As I invest time into improving myself, and hopefully by sharing my experience along the way, I hope that this website can serve as a medium to further empower others – in one way or another.

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